As this research has been conducted since 2003 and as we have in stock a lot of unpublished material, we shall be happy to present our subscribers with answers to their queries, in the limit of our knowledge.
The Vanilla report will be fed with new articles etc.. as soon as we have them ready and this will include Field surveys at least five times a year, full Vanilla reports such as the on presented now, specific investigations on issues as climate warming, farmers revenues, market segments, etc.. and a permanent watch on prices and climate.
As announced in some other sections, a certain number of reports and documents are being prepared that should be available on “The Vanilla Report”, during this year 2022. They include: The influence of climate change on the production of vanilla and its potential evolution, Farmer’s revenues and price elasticity in vanilla producing countries, Alternatives to vanilla as a flavor agent: regulation, The present and future role of quick curing and other extraction alternatives, New vanilla hybrids, their resistance to fusarium and other aggressions, including climate, The Indonesia/ PNG evolution in production and marketing of vanilla beans.
This section is dedicated to those who want to know more:
More about where prices are heading for,
More about the emergence of new producing countries,
More about who are Korean importers and how much do they buy,
More about the evolution of Malagasy exports and individual results,
More about climate change,
More about farmers revenues and the elasticity of supplies linked to it,
More about the evolution of PNG production and export structure and results,
More about new markets and their reality today and tomorrow,
More about the evolution of Malagasy’s government attitudes and decisions,
More about the inside story in producing countries,
To name a few to which we think we might bring clarifications
Please subscribers, fill this small Q questionnaire and we shall come back to you ASAP.
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