The Vanilla Report


February 13, 2023

Tension between International buyers of vanilla and Mala-gasy authorities came to a climax these last weeks as exports were quasi stopped by Malagasy export control authorities and a number of International buyers boycotted Madagascar as a source of supply of vanilla beans. US, French, European Union authorities intervened with the Malagasy authorities.


On Thursday February 9th a meeting with registered export-ers was organized in the Presidential Palace of Iavoloha, in the presence of the Minister of Industrialization, Com-merce and Consumption, Edgard Razafindravahy and the Minister of Economy and Finance, Rindra Hasimbelo Rabarinirinarison, under the authority of President Andry Rajoelina, and


exporters were ordered to buy vanilla from farmers. “The 88 approved exporters will renew their purchase commitment on Monday February 13, 2023 at the latest in accordance with their export approval. They undertake more particularly, within 15 days, to proceed with the actual purchase of the entire quantity of vanilla authorized in their approvals”

specified the Presidency in a press release.

Insofar as the approved exporters do not honor their com-mitment, it is the State which will take charge of the case, and may thus impose penalties on the exporters. The resolution of the meeting in high places indicates that


In the event of failure on their part,

the remaining quantity not purchased will be reallocated by the State for the benefit of the other exporters

and will be the subject of a new approval”.

In return for this renewal of commitment, the State also undertakes to carry out a “road show” with exporters to set up purchasing plans and to convince potential international buyers.


We shall be presenting within a few days in our Newsletter an analysis of these declarations and decisions and their ef-fects

collateral effect the whole situation of the vanilla industry.

We shall also present before the end of February the results of

our last Vanilla Field Survey with a focus on farmers in-come.

The Vanilla Reports & Newsletters (NEW)

We are all aware of the crisis facing the vanilla industry in Madagascar. The purpose of this newsletter is not to add arguments to the debate but to present some of the Fundamentals that should govern any decision to be taken by the stakeholders. 1/ The demands by the Malagasy Government. During the meeting held at the Presidential Palace on Thursday February the 9th., Malagasy authorities distributed a press release with its decisions. These were confirmed on Tuesday February the 14th. Other precisions will certainly follow. These governmental decisions

Demeter Vanilla Field Survey

Main Results:

(harvest 21/22 refers to vanilla flowers pollinated in fall 2021 and pods harvested in 2022)

1. Our field survey indicated that the 2021/2022 harvest of vanilla in Madagascar could be well below 2,000 tons but for once this report prefers to correct these results and opt for a harvest at around 1,800 tons.

2. The internal marketing of this harvest showed a significant difference between the official price of 75,000 Ariary per kilo to be paid at the edge of the farm and the real price paid by the collectors (between 35,000 Ar and 50,000 Ar).

3. A similar discrepancy occurs between the price of dried vanilla recommended/imposed by the Malagasy authorities (Ar 500,000) and the actual price offered by the collectors.

4. The consequence is that in terms of income, farmers can cover their cost of living at official prices but not at actual prices.

5. As for the new crop (2022/2023), and due to climate change, pollination has barely started in early November. A large number of inflorescences present for later pollination could still allow an average harvest to occur...

Demeter Vanilla Price Index

Evidenced in the early Ambanja sales of green beans, the minimum farmgate price imposed by government is not really implemenetd. if it was, it would bring the FOB price at USD 200 as appears in the following tables:

Documents, Regulations,..

Madagascar The Ministry of Commerce (Ministère de l’Industrialisation, du Commerce et de la Consummation) has declared in a « Official Notice to International Buyers of vanilla » signed on September 9 2022, following a Government Council Meeting “Conseil de Gouvernement » that the Conseil National de la Vanille”, calls International buyers of vanilla to declare officially their Intention to buy Malagasy Vanilla in order to prepare a list“verified international buyers” The applications from international buyers should be sent before the 30th September 2022. In practical terms, potential buyers are required to fill the forms presented hereunder and comply with the conditions presented in the documents issued by the “Conseil National de la vanilla” We present herunder the different texts , requirements and application form. As one of these requirements are for the applicant to present a “K Bis” which is a “certificate of incorporation used strictly in France, we provide an English adaptation of the information listed in this “KBis”. We shall in the coming days also give clarifications as to the implementation of these procedures and provide subscribers with practical advice as to how to apply.

Q&A, Soon to come

As this research has been conducted since 2003 and as we have in stock a lot of unpublished material, we shall be happy to present our subscribers with answers to their queries, in the limit of our knowledge...

Climate and Agronomy

Climate warming is affecting the SAVA region which produces most of Madagascar’s vanilla: Cyclones are stronger than ever but appear to be hitting this year the middle of the island. The Vanilla Report will investigate further that evolution and determine whether it is durable or not...

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